
Well first and foremost, I haven't paid your establishment a visit. However surely have it on my "bucket list". You may identify with my friend that frequents your establishment.Travis.He's a easy going Southern guy who drinks rum and diet coke. If I may embellish your place looks comfy and I'm ready for a visit soon as I can make it there. Travis likes your place (yes hes a sports type person) and has likely shared with others about "The Time Out Lounge" in McPherson. Interesting that a "Time Out Lounge" existed here in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Sadly it burnt to the ground. That's the bad news, however The Time Out Lounge here will rise again :-) :-) :-) thanks to many folks and passionate owners. Of course it's dead in the winter, however may I suggest you post some photos on your web page that include what you offer outside. Travis made mention to me today of him just now discovering the fun stuff outside. Not that he was ready for a game of volleyball at present.or lounging in the outside furniture. However something to look forward to indeed. Also allowing the public to learn of what you have to offer. Thanks in advance as to you either choosing to post or not. Kind regards, Philip