
Black folks just can't do right. This club should be jumping but between the unsafe parking lot and the holding of the lines and then to get in and see the djs on virtual Dj is like wtf. The inside is Hella nice I wish a Indian or some European would buy it and make it what it should be. This places was open while crunk, bounce, and primetime was open but no one felt safe going there unless you knew how to get your pistol in which is stuipid. The police would stand at the door with security looking at hoes while your car gets broken into. lol other clubs have long lines because a lot of people come early to get in free this club just holds the line to make it appear full but the parking lot is so huge that it dwarfs the line and defeats the purpose.

They'll have you waiting in line forever to be in the party for a short time with old, creepy men that really shouldn't go there. For a young girl 18 to 22ish, it's really not worth it.

the worst EVER...lines too damn long

I officially hate this club. I always end up having to wait for HOURS in line just to get in no matter how early I am. Most of the free parties are all SCAMS and they try to coerce you into paying just so you can move up a couple extra feet in line. In addition, the club is usually filled with old, dirty men who smoke constantly.

Talk about a long wait. This club has you in line two hours even if your first in line.