Deja Vu Showgirls


What a mediocre PLACE! LOL Where do I start? First, let me start with how the lady at the front desk was trying to charge us $20 for cover when the cover was only $15 for the night! STRIKE ONE Then when we sat down and started to watch the dancers, a girl came out wearing a long sleeve shirt. As she danced, she never took off the shirt. Then when she makes her way to us, she kept pleading, "Throw some more money!" We were only throwing a few dollars here and there to support her hustle as a stripper (she was not a good dancer at all LOL). Who goes to a nude STRIP CLUB to see a girl keep her shirt ON? LOL Seriously, it is the principle of the matter that is the issue here. STRIKE TWO Finally, as if the night could not get any more weird, one stripper accused one of my friend's of (I kid you not) "Being a sleazy motherfucker for throwing money on her vagina." LOL WAIT SO HOLD ON. LAST TIME I CHECKED, WHEN YOU DANCE NAKED WITH YOUR LEGS WIDE OPEN AND SOMEONE PROCEEDS TO THROW MONEY AT YOU, YOU ARE DOING YOUR JOB WELL. IF YOU DO NOT WANT PEOPLE THROWING MONEY AT YOUR VAGINA DO NOT BE A STRIPPER!!!! LOL WOOOOOW. THIS GIRL WAS NOT EVEN PRETTY TO BEGIN WITH. WHAT IS EVEN FUNNIER IS THAT A PRETTY STRIPPER WHO DANCED BEFORE THIS GIRL STAYED ON THE SIDE OF THE STAGE WHERE MY TEAM WAS AT BECAUSE WE WERE THE ONLY ONES THROWING MONEY!!!! Anyway, long story short STRIKE THREE DEJA VU is GARBAGE.

Even though it was busy on Saturday night, it was like a giant fishbowl. I've never encountered a more "laid back" attitude anywhere, and it might not be a good thing. I watched 6 or 7 girls go onstage and only have little old me tipping them. What a stare-fest! And the other customers wonder about "morale" HAH!! The girls were okay, a couple of them stand out. I like my girls at a healthy weight, and these girls were definitely not the scrawny, unhealthy looking toothpicks you find at other places. The girls that came up to our group were friendly (I can't tell you how often I get ignored as a woman in a strip club), a couple of them dragged my more-than-willing friends to the dance area. FULL NUDE FULL CONTACT DANCES FOR $20! WHAT A DEAL!! But, when I went back, they quoted me a tip price! How about NO? Sign says $20, not $25. I don't like that the other patrons were... trying to hit me up? is the phrase? I guess at the end of the night, my overall assessment is that... You wouldn't "hang out" in a car dealership. You wouldn't just sit at a slot machine just staring at it. You wouldn't stiff the waitress who serves you at a restaurant. The arcades closed because people stopped bringing quarters. BRING SOME MONEY AND YOU WILL HAVE A GOOD TIME. Girls take care of those that take care of them.

What a change this place gets better and better management keeps this place rocking and the new staff and dancers are off the chain

In the late 90's early 2000's, this club straight up ROCKED. My friends and I would go pretty often, the girls were hot, there were three stages, and even the day shift was pretty freaking good. I used to never walk out of this place disappointed. For God's sake, this place had BED dances. Not lapdances. . .bed dances. Now? Don't bother. One stage, mediocre girls. Annoying management. Save your money and go to any of the better clubs in the area. I never thought I'd say this, but. . . the Ybor Strip is a better club now. Can you believe it?

What happened to Deja Vu? In the late '90s and early 2000s my best friend and I would go often to the club (we knew the door girl) and always had a good time. They had multiple stages and several talented and attractive strippers. Well, after a decade of being too busy to go, my girlfriend and I went this previous Saturday and were very disappointed. We had to pay $40 for the two of us to get in and I was stunned that the club was now reduced to only one stage and the top tier seating was now roped off for "VIP". Our stiff entry fee entitled us to free soda (which we don't drink) and it obviously gave us a free pass to enjoy the nasty attitudes of the strippers. Maybe its the new popular thing for the girls to be in perpetual bad moods and to just stand around and glare at customers. Another staple I noticed at Deja Vu were guts. Yes, even the skinny girls had nasty gravity-defying guts. Not a single girl on the Saturday night shift was tone or in shape. Sad. Eventually my girlfriend spotted one girl out of the crowd she wanted a dance with and we talked for a few minutes about how nice Deja Vu used to be, as she had worked there for supposedly several years. We paid the $5 admission to the private area and had two couple's dances that were surprisingly short as the DJ was cutting songs off about what seemed like a minute early. The dancer was OK, but I don't think she knew how to entertain a couple. We paid for our fun and left, commenting in tandem about the gravity guts, bad attitudes and how much the club has declined in quality over the past 10 years. I'll stick to Mons for pretty girls with better attitudes. If we're going to pay $20 per person, I don't want to look at unattractive strippers who don't know how to put on a decent show on stage. Walking around the pole and bending over isn't performing, it's being lazy.