Passion Nightclub

Baddd...watched about 5 African american women get denied from entering. .. definately a racist club...told is was a private event after registering for the guest list. Guess my skin wasn't light enough. Smh

Not sure the statement being made with this club but.... we were placed on VIP list by a friend hosting a 70's 80's party. And we couldn't get past the velvet rope at 10:45... not sure if it's because we are in our thirties and dress well when we go clubbing, or the cover charge started at 11:00 , but a odd little scruffy looking guy guarding the rope insisted we pay a cover and stand in line.... although i'm way pass the whole VIP thing... but the days of standing in line so I can spend a ton of money on drinks in a club is too hilarious.... in Hollywood Florida. Seriously get some common sense guys... Learn how to read your crowed...So we texted our party and headed to Bardot in Wynwood

Two weeks ago my buddy and I was standing outside passion nighclub. We watched a latin guy walk in with boots (timberlands) and then a white guy walk in with boots on. Then this black guy walked up to go in and they turned him away telling him he cant come in with his polo boots on. The black guy says " yo i just watched two people go in with boots on and you telling me I cant go in". The bouncer told him to leave. Once incident right....WRONG. I go back last night with my buddy and attempt to go in and the SAME bouncer turns me and my buddy around saying its a power 96 party and we cant go in....only people with band are allowed in for reentry. Now my buddy who is black has on slacks, dress shoes, white shirt and a blazer and I had on slacks, and a blazer. We step to the side an this non black guy walks up with no band and he lets him in. no guest list conversation..he just lets him in. ANYBODY WHO GOES TO CLUB SUPPORTS RACISM AND YOU ARE JUST AS WRONG AS THEY ARE. You see my name....I love everybody and I refuse to deal with RACIST clubs/people. Judge a person on who they are/how they act NOT the color of their skin!!!!!!!

Hello- my name is Justina I was at your club on Sat 4/26/2014 and have no complaints. I'm here visiting and I loved the service I received from passions nightclub. However I did lose my phone its an iphone 5s in gold and the lock screen is a picture of the singer Selena. I know my chances are slim to none of getting It back but I have some hope that there still might be good people in this world. If anyone including your staff turns it in I would be delighted. I lost it in the restroom upstairs. Thank you so much for your time.

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