Deja Vu Showgirls


***ATTENTION ALL DANCERS CONSIDERING WORKING HERE-DONT WASTE YOUR TIME*** BIGGEST DIVE EVER. Coming from a former employee who has worked at 35+ clubs around the united state this is the WORST CLUB by far. I decided to stop in Bakersfield on my way to San Francisco to visit a friend and decided that I'd make a little extra money while I was there. I worked at the Deja Vu in Tampa, FL and it was an amazing experience so I thought the one here would be as well. I WAS HORRIBLY WRONG. To start the pavement leading up to the building is crumbling apart and the exterior looks like it hasn't been cleaned in years. Upon going in to apply I was greeted by a man who was running the door and he was actually really pleasant and enjoyable to talk to. Immediately they had me change into my dance attire..however in the public restroom..and wouldn't let me into the locker room to be able to do my hair or makeup and had me go on stage right away. The stage itself has three poles and is quite small-minimal floor work can be done. There were 8 other girls working and 4 men in the building. The men all looked like they were asleep or zoned out and when I went on stage ALL the girls sat and watched and commented. The girls themselves were hardly 4's if we were to rate them but easily thought they were 10's. On top of that their attitudes were incredibly poor and they were far from polite at best. At one point there was a group of four of them yelling insults to the dancer on stage and being nasty to her. She looked so uncomfortable, I felt bad. The men were no better, they had poor attitudes and seemed to all be there 'for the show'. I tried again two more nights. The second night was slightly better moneywise but I was introduced to another manager who was the rudest, self righteous manager I had ever met. He spoke to me as if I was incoherent (maybe the blonde hair threw him off-because in his words "blondes aren't the brightest"). He acted as if I'd never danced a day in my life- though he knew I had, and acted if I was nothing because I was a dancer. On the plus side the valet man was AWESOME and I had an incredible personality and I even chatted with him for a bit/tipped in well (which apparently the girls don't do there) The third (and final day EVER) was beyond the worst work experience I've ever had. The girls working had even poorer attitude than the previous days and in the five hours I was there I had been called every name in the book, customers stolen, my bag in the locker room messed with, yelled at twice, and three (tried) to humiliate me in front of everyone else. Once again the men were there to 'just watch'. And the manager from hell was working again and was even ruder and spoke to me with as if I had lost 'what little' intelligence I had the day before. I felt like I was being spoken to as if I was three. Also as I was getting ready to leave a few girls in the dressing room decided they'd riffle through a girl who forgot her makeup bag there the previous day and take what they'd like for themselves. I brought in five new customers just in the three days I was there and I honestly regret it. I had high hopes for a possible 'new home club' on the west coast but it was a overwhelming no-go. If you're looking for a place to dance STAY AWAY from this club. Try Exotic Kitty down the road, or if you can travel a bit try Cheetah's in San Diego, Spearmint Rhino in Vegas, or The Gold Club in San Francisco. ***If I could rate it zero stars I would. The one star is only for the day time door man-who was funny and enjoyable to talk to, the day manager who was there the day I got hired-he was very personable and was also enjoyable to talk to, the valet man who was by far the best, and the waitresses/bar staff who were the only friendly girls in the building-plus they were helpful at mentioning stuff about the club that was failed to be known to me when I was hired***


Love it

it's a bit too crowded with the huge sofa chairs but very great atmosphere and expensive Monsters! haha oh and the strippers are all friendly. dolla makes em holla!

Talent is pretty fair but the service leaves more to be desired. VIP seats r not worth it at all. I had the damn card for a long time. Worst seats ever. Farther from the stage, service and talent basically ignores you.