
There are some things you need to know about the restaurants in your area such as which one has the best wings or best pizza. Well, in Northwest Arkansas knowing that is easy. They are both from the same place, The Rail, A Pizza Company. The Rail has the best pizza in Northwest Arkansas. They have the best wings. They have a great beer selection. This is my favorite place to eat. Don't get your pizza to go. The Rail captures the revitalized heart of downtown Rogers. It's a hometown pub with great food. Don't miss it.

There ain't nothin' gooder than The Rail.

Best chicken wings in the area. Great selection of beers. The pizza is good and interesting. I couldn't figure out why they have honey at each booth, but you use it on your crust as a dessert.

Best pizza in nwa we have found so far.

I am from Milwaukee, and am spoiled by my Sicilian friends who LOVE their pizza--and had no end of restaurants up there to enjoy great pie. The Rail is the ONLY restaurant I have found in Northwest AR that can compete with the real deal. The hand made crust complete with the dusting of flour in the bottom is a dead give away that someone cares about the pizza being made there. The sauce is fresh and the toppings are top-notch, My favorite is a pie with fresh basil and the sliced Italian sausage. Simple -yet perfect! Thanks Rail!!! Also LOVE the ceramic wine mugs--they enhance the bouquet and keep the temp at a perfect level.