
We went out to Reggies on Queen st. tonite friday nite was with 5 other people. My sister in law was in town thought we would have a great nite out there, and have a few drinks. I was the designated driver...Everyone ordered their drinks the glasses the drinks come in are so small dont even think its 6 ounces with lots of ice, not much for your money. I ordered an ice water... When it came time to order our second round of drinks I asked the waitress if she could please bring me a pitcher of ice water, I got the shock of my life when she told me that I was lucky that the bartender gave me the first glass of ice water that usually the bartender wont give out any ice water under no conditions and neverrrrrrr a pitcher it is out of the question it will never happen, she said how the customers will only get served bottled water and be charged $2.00 a bottle.. I couldnt believe what i was hearing. I explained i was the designated driver and was with 5 other paying customers.. she again said it will never happen.I told the waitress that I was not happy and wanted to have a few words with the bartender ...At the moment we all wanted to walk out of the place we were all very upset. if that bartender had a brain in his head he would of said well there are other good paying customers sitting at that table.. whats a pitcher of water going to cost me ...NOTHING.. to make the customer happy he should of obliged and said sure why not. yeah we all felt like he didnt care one bit about making the customer happy. Well he lost 6 customers that night we left and said we will never step one foot in that place again..Poor customer skills rude and ignorant very disgusting ...without the paying customers the place will close down, with out good paying customers..the customers are what makes him able to keep his doors open..I always live by the golden rule treat others the way i want to be treated, I think he is on a power trip and and doesnt give one hoot or think about how a customer feels or what THEY WANT, I plan on telling my friends and relatives about our shocking experience at Reggies tonite..Word gets around in a small city like this.I think he will live to regret his actions big time..We went another place after we left where we were served a pitcher of ice water without any hassles or negative feedback..I wonder if the owner of the place is aware of this bartender and how he is treating his good paying customers.

Took 40 minutes to get a drink, an hour and a half before they took our order. The woman that only takes drink orders, (as she's seemingly incapable of also taking orders for food). seemed to be inconvenienced by customers wanting to order things. It was amazing to witness someone sucking at their job to such a phenomonal level. Wings were good though.

Great Taveren, Foods Amazing, Music's Good, Great Atmosphere Quite Clean And Great Prices And Location!!

Great time with friendly bartenders and a really good house band