night club
651 Queen St E
Paul Dinter - June 18, 2013

I'll start with the good considering there isn't a lot. The live music was fantastic and that's really about it. The drink selection was vast but very expensive. I'm not usually one who cares if I pay a few extra bucks for a nice cold one but in this case it was comparable to drinking at the Air Canada Center. I'm talking a solid 9$ for a Rolling Rock not including tip. Service was average at best and no home brew witch was the least I expected from what seemed to be a gastropub.
Robert MacLeod - July 17, 2013

Loplops has "Bad Idea Thursday" every week where for $9.25 you can get a gourmet personal pizza and a craft beer. Its always a great time.
A Google User - February 28, 2012

Great music, great drink selection.
Scott Norris - December 27, 2014

Jeferson Pagel - February 24, 2013

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