
My. Wife. Works. Shauna. Schlaht. '. The. New. Schlaht. Their. At. This. Location. For. Five. Years. Now. Six. Years. Now.

All I wanted was a Bacon and Egg Bagel on a WHITE Bagel!! WHY CANT YOU PEOPLE SPEAK ENGLISH!!!!! When you asked if I wanted to wait 5 minutes for the white bagles to be ready and I said YES that meant that I DID NOT WANT YOUR CARDBOARD MULTIGRAIN GARBAGE. You guys screw up every single time I go there!! Get a clue McDonalds! I'm going to TIMMYS!!

I do not recommend this McDonald's. They seriously mess up your order pretty much every single time. Plus the employee's lie and argue with you when you try and get them to fix it. For example, during McDonald's monopoly they claimed they were "out of game pieces" on the third day of the contest. Long story short they were lying, I got my pieces but it was like pulling teeth. If you have to go to this McDonald's location, (Like someone has a gun to your head or something) do not leave the line without verifying they have given you everything you have ordered because there is basically no way you are getting your food if you leave the restaurant. Not sure if it is extremely poor management or what but by and far. WORST. SERVICE. EVER. Go to Burger Baron instead. Or just go hungry. Seriously. Not even kidding.

Forget something everytime ive been there.