presley's nightclub boksburg
Presley's Nightclub Boksburg
night club
Gibb Road
Lucky Unlucky - March 01, 2015

You refused to give me a free glass of tap water and said I HAVE TO BUY A BOTTLE. I believe this is illegal and goes against many rights a customer has in the constitution and international right to water law. I will make a big issue about this, get lawyers involved and make it public knowledge that Presleys Boksburg denies a customer water with their alcoholic beverage. What if someone needed water to sober up so they don't kill themselves when driving home or if they need to take medicine? I will not rest till I have made this a big issue for you and cost you way more than you would have ever made from that bottle of water you wanted to sell me.
Stanley Fourie - September 15, 2014

Its a good night out
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