Peppermill Bar /Cactus Jack's

Place is well-known for its association with the RPD, and they arrange staged "Fights" that "Involve you" for them to "Respond to," and then later arrest as DUI. This, after a "Little Blue Pill" finds itself in your drink, it is said... It's well known that females should NEVER leave their drinks alone in ANY Rawlins bar, anyway, but this place is special. If you look "Too conservative," maybe... a threat to "Activities," there? Count on the RPD to be waiting for you at the curb. Good luck trying to do their balancing test after the "Little Blue Pill," and have even further good luck if you're dumb enough to choose the Public Defender as counselor. They'll teach you a lesson about WHO runs things in Rawlins, you won't forget. For at least 6 months in an orange jumpsuit, anyway. On top of which, the music is loud you'd better learn sign language, or plan on going deaf for a while.

The only thing worse than the terrible service was the horrible food. It took a long time for the food to come, and there was only two tables in the restaurant. Then the food came and it was genuinely disgusting. The meat was the worst meat I've had in my life, the sauce tasted like it had parts cleaning solvent in it, and the potatoes and soup were bland at best. On top of all that, the whole placed smelled terribly of cigarette smoke. It must have been drifting from the bar, but it was very strong and all of my clothes smelled like smoke when I got home. I would suggest going anywhere else, but then again, nothing in Rawlins is worth mentioning. I suggest the Dennys at the nearby truck stop.

Our waitress at Cactus Jack's was pretty good. The food was certainly less than we expected, quality wise. Since it was a family of 7, we sat at the restaurant, not the bar. My husband's meal was soaked in bbq sauce. It was so drenched he couldn't even taste the meat he was eating. The "Baked Beans" were about 25% beans to 75% sauce. The baked potatoes, however, were pretty awesome. After we had paid our $89 bill, we checked our bank account. $89 did not come out. $107 did. Which was (and is) frustrating. I don't think I will travel the 50+ miles to go back.

The Peppermill is a great place to sit down and bs, listen to music, and have a few drinks. The staff is exceptional and the food was tasty. The margarita's on the other hand... I would suggest ordering a different drink.

One of the good places to eat in Rawlins. A little slow, but hey, Rawlins. Steak and BBQ.