
The Hop Mediocre to poisonous would best describe their food. They are friendly but don’t push your luck. I moved to Coldspring in 1999. It’s been a great place to live with good people and no shortage of a laid-back citizenry that’s slow to condemn and quick to forgive. So, if the fore going statements are true then how does this restaurant survive? Coldspring Texas is a city that sets astride of a man made lake “Lake Livingston”. With a large number of visitors from surrounding cities (Houston, etc…) Coldspring is a lively city on any given day and especially holidays, during the summer you wouldn’t know it from one of Walmart’s Black Friday Massacres. But with prosperity comes Satan’s unwanted attention. Coldspring Texas has seen one of its Sheriff’s die in the Penitentiary, and that Sheriff’s son received a habitual criminal sentence for taking a DIY approach to refilling his prescriptions for pain killers at Brookshire’s pharmacy @ 3am one morning, etc…etc… and that’s just the more famous ones that got caught and had someone write a book about them (seriously, “Terror on HWY 59”), which brings us to “The Hop”. The Hop remains a unique, one-of-a-kind reproduction of Tony Soprano’s night club the “Baddabing”, Of course I haven’t seen any hookers on their menu but I don’t patronize the place any more either. Nobody seems to knows how the Hop found it’s humble origins but it was owned by an Ex-Mayor originally. Details are very sketchy but the evidence speaks for itself. The Hop remains the only possibility for a drive through hamburger in Coldspring. Others have come but have died a swift death. I have a brother-n-law that wanted to start a business here in Coldspring but when he saw how many people he’d have to grease along the way, he quickly forgot about it. So the next time you’re asking yourself if the Hop serves good food, ask yourself why a city of so many has so few choices in a drive-through-meal. The “Subway” you see now started out with a drive through at their other building but it didn’t last long (a couple of months). “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office” -----Plato 460 BC …………………….

Good old-fashioned hamburger, onion rings, & malts. Great, friendly service as well. This is now one of my regular stops when riding the Lake Livingston loop on my motorcycle!

Good food ! Good service ! Good people ! :)

Wonderful staff and good food :D

Never will I eat there. Worked there for 3 days when I was a teenager....I dropped a bun on the floor and threw it away....the owner seen me do it and throw it away....she then took the bun out of the trash and served it....she said we don't waste things around here...need less to say I quit on the spot....never been back since.