Dunkin' Donuts

yeah you really need to teach the people there how to do there job it really isnt rocket science to make a cup of coffee.I am seriously getting tired of wasting my money on coffee that is absolutly horrible. The coffee is normally so burnt that the burnt taste over powers the sugar and flavor.i live a half hr from dd and when my girl friend brings me a coconut coffee light and sweet thats what i should get not a nasty bitter burnt cinnnimon coffee who the hell drinks a cinnimon coffee.3 times in a row really burnt wrong flavor coffee. my advice to you train your ppl to make coffee cause abviously they are too lazy and dont give a shit about your customers . your lucky if i get one coffee that is right and thats bullshit . i go to dunkin all the time and by far this dunkin is the worst usually its once and a while you get a messed up coffee not once and a while you get what you ordered . my friends wont even order coffee from this dunkin anymore cause it tastes horrible so please get your shit in order cause if i wanted this type of coffee id have my 3 year old nephew make my coffee for me thx

My husband got me a 16 ounce hot carmel latte there, then brought it home. By the time he got home (2 mile ride) the foam had dissipated and what was left was maybe 12 ounces of coffee. After I complained I got an e-mail (four weeks later) from the apparent manager who basically said "thats what the foam does". No offer to give me money back, or a free drink. Foam or not, 16 ounces cup says 16 ounces not 12...false advertising. Then I waited awhile before I got a hot coffee from there again. Yesterday I went got the same thing "16 oz hot carmel lattee" no freaking carmel, none, not one drop and the receipt showed that she heard me. Needless to say this is a useless dunkin donuts where no one is apparently trained to make the coffee that people order.