
A magical location on the edge of the beautiful Delaware River in the historical, quaint old town of Callicoon is squandered by a disgraceful gas station parking lot ambiance more suitable for a rest stop on the New Jersey Turnpike. Here is a restaurant run by a company supposedly based on river trips, camping and nature appreciation that then for some reason builds an eyesore of neon signs, gas station canopies, promotional flags (for motor oil!) and semi-functioning, over-priced gas pumps (the most expensive in a 10 mile radius) just yards from the cleanest river in the North East and a canoe launch site! The convenience store is stocked with low quality typical processed crap, not (as one might expect and hope) healthy 'trail worthy' food and beverages for campers or paddlers. Heaven forbid they feature or support local produce or products, even though a wonderful farmers market is right next door on summer weekends and a local sustainablity movement is growing. The mind boggles at the lack of imagination and limited environmental awareness of this establishment. Then there is the Cafe itself: The building is potentially wonderful (despite the ugly paved parking lot and lack of any landscaping) with nice wood booths and large windows looking towards the river and the bridge. The decor beyond that is thoughtless. Here's a tip for the next re-decorator: "Go Adirondac"... ditch the plastic plants and instead hang up some wood paddles, some fishing and camping gear, some nature photos to accent and promote the local vibe and history -- and your own river business! It's a classic 'Catskill' look that has been around since at least 1890 and would fit perfectly. The FOOD: mediocre fried and over-cooked roadside diner stuff depending on the relative competence of the current cook. The menu makes the typical mistake of trying to be all things to everyone without being very good at anything. I've had some OK meals and some real bad ones. As someone who spends a lot of time in the area I really wish the owners of this potentially great local asset would wake up, do some research and up their game. Make the Cafe site a nice destination, not a totally forgettable gas station transit stop. People come to this town because it is beautiful, surrounded by nature and a break from typical highway America... not because the Shell sign is visible from the river! (Take down that sign!) But Landers just doesn't get it. I