
Junk. This place is like, the hangout for all the pathetic old alcoholics of the small town. The bartender is some short woman with tacky manners and she doesn't mind posting it all over the bar (hence her tacky hillbilly bumper stickers stuck everywhere with such gems as "I don't care how it was done in California" and "If this bar doesn't meet your standards, lower your standards") And that's exactly what you'll have to do because this place is lame. My husband ordered a Blue Moon only to be snapped at with a "No." She proceeded to tell us they only have domestic beer like it was something she was proud of. Calm down Ma Clampett. I ordered a dirty martini, which I should have known was a mistake by the atmosphere, but they're damn good so I figured what the hell. Big mistake. She stuttered when I ordered it, had to think about how to make it and it was the most disgusting drink I ever had. My gf and I got harrassed by some drunk fool the time before that. Yes I've been there twice but only because both times were a Sunday and that's usually the last place open. The tiny group of people usually know eachother and they're rude to anyone else. Only good thing about this place is the prices. Cheap drinks... but then again, everything is cheap at this place.

What a dump