pudgy's bar & grill
jahara matisek - January 16, 2014

As an "Aircrew dawg" I actually had a great time, especially on Wednesday night, which is Karaoke night...seeing how on-base clubs/bars are dying off, this 'Pudgy's" is actually really nice, and their Philly Cheese Steak and fries exceeded expectations. A lot of bases could learn from this bar/restaurant (e.g. I'm looking at you Ramstein AB, GE). I'm definitely coming back to this joint anytime I've got time off to drink and/or eat. Well played 'McGuire leadership' on making this place actually fun for both officers and enlisted.
kenneth londry - April 05, 2014

Decent food. Cheap drinks. Head was pretty nasty but other than that it was nice.
Jeffrey LaSeige - July 25, 2013

Typical. Bar food! Nothing special, go to Wendy's!
Richard Greene - January 22, 2014

A Google User - June 07, 2011

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