
NEVER... I REPEAT NEVER... GO TO THIS CLUB! The owners are horrible, the place is a dump, it is filthy... Need I go on?!?! This is coming from a previous employee. You really should see what goes on "behind the scenes". Nothing but drama. That's all you get when you come here. Drinks at the bar are incredibly high in price and you get very little alcohol put in your mixed drink, except if you are a REGULAR-REGULAR, maybe. When I say that, I mean you have to be in there 7 days a week for the majority of each and every night to be considered a regular. The club is going to HELL. Friday and Saturday nights are the only nights you can hear anything besides crickets, and even then it's still pretty dead. DO NOT EVER LET ANYONE CON YOU INTO GOING HERE, OR WORKING HERE FOR THAT MATTER! You will NOT have a good time and you WILL NOT make any money. You will make just enough to put the gas you just spent getting there right back in your gas tank; Not worth it. The girls are nasty... You can talk them into almost anything for the right amount, which going back to the "there's no money to be made here", is a very small price to pay if you'd like to contract a STD. I would not wish a visit to this horrible place to my worst enemy!

Finally got a few decent girls in there, attractive looks and dances. Shower dances are awesome & well worth it. Nice, laid back spot to have a good time.

There's only like 3 girls that actually dance here, and only 1 is hot.