1002 W Buchanan St
Kayla Brown - January 27, 2012

Every time you visit this store you better bag check before you leave. They miss entire meals 9 out of 10 visits. They get an attitude when you ask for simple things... Jelly, straws, napkins etc. Unfortunately this is the only thing in this pissant town that's open late but the lack of professionalizim and the incompetence of the staff makes it the laughing stock of the town. Maybe if you stopped hiring fat people or tards, you could have the #1 store in the region!
Tim von Holten - July 16, 2013

Fries we 're like those French-fried potatoes you buy in a can, service was super slow, and dining room was INFESTED with flies. Tables were all filthy.
Garrison Statt - October 10, 2014

It was okay, just a little weird...
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