
Am I the only one that only asks for a little cream/one spoon of cream in their coffee? I end up with a large cup of hot milk and a spoon of coffee. This company could make even more money if they taught these people how to measure instead of pour cream/milk. Coffee is not WHITE!

I am a coffee lover and stop here frequently. Besides the lattes being excellent, The girls that work are absolutely personable, accommodating and friendly. I wish they carried sugar in the raw but besides that, I will be a long time customer!

I have been to a couple coffee shops and I would have to say this is one of my favorites.

A lot of negative. Sounds like I have to try it.

As far as the coffee goes, it is about as boring as any old coffee shop that does not really have a passion for coffee. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just "coffee". The espresso is much better than the filth you get at Starbucks, so it has that going for it. But the real issue here is with the service (and I don't mean the girls are rude, they are, in fact, very friendly). But they can only do so much with what freedom they are given by the owners and that is not much. The saying "just say no" should only refer to doing drugs but NOT to a motto for a coffee shop, and yet this seems to be it for cruise n coffee. The owners are cheap, unaccomodating, and do not put customer service first. They do not give their baristas freedom to be helpful and just say yes to a customers needs. Try ordering a 16 oz beverage in a 12 oz cup (less milk basically). They CANNOT do this. It is utterly impossible. They will be fired immediately. If you have a coupon for a free latte with flavor, you may NOT order it without a flavor, even though this saves them money. So, if you never want anything done to your specific needs, or have any preferences, it should be fine. If you have preferences, they will not accomodate you.