Tim Hortons

Started working for this chain owned by "Cyndon Enterprises" They fired the manager at this location and "due to THAT ACTION" action ( no fault of mine) I had to chase down my 1st paycheck for 5 days.. being shuffled from store to store, phone number to phone number. The store is filthy inside which I never knew and I pardoned this store for almost 3 yrs prior to this last week. I fell on hard times and needed to feed my children. I am a successful career women that took this job to make sure I had at least something coming in the house instead of living of the government. Then, with my shift covered in the system, I called to get my schedule and now I am off the schedule after I told them that I will be finally back to full time work in my career Sept 2nd. Now for the last days I have attempted to contact BOTH the owner and his son about my check on Friday. Nope you guessed it... again to the Shell game. Shame that people can't just face to face talk, and be professional... especially when your in an ownership / management role. So I wait for a check again.. next I will call Wage and Hour.

I had gotten a to-go cup of cafe mocha from another location. When it cooled emough for me to drink I found that it didn't taste right in fact it was awful. I went to the next Tim Horton's we came to, which was the Fenton location, told the associate the problem and they fixed me right up with a new cup of cafe mocha that tastes just the way it should, aahhh.