Burger King

Ryan, you said you drove by, but obviously you didn't stop in or drive around. One side of the building had Vestaburg, the otherside had Montabella. Also, anybody who stops at this Burger King and goes through the drive thru, DO NOT PULL FORWARD IF ASKED TO! The reason being is because drive through is on a timer, and they have to have the food out by a certain time. If they pull you forward, it stops the timer thus telling their office and Burger King Corp that you got your food in less time than you actually did. All you are doing by pulling forward is helping them cheat on their drive thru time, when other Burger Kings work hard to keep the time down the proper way.

I have a question? Can you explain to me why a Burger King does not support its local school? I drove past the Edmore MIchigan Burger King last night, and they had windows painted good luck Vestaburg, which the local team(Montabella) plays against tonight. I remember the day when local really meant something! I doubt anyone will answer this, but it seems since Edmore is in the Montabella school district it should surely support the hometown team.

Always cold