
Imagine you work a minimum wage job. The dumpster behind the restaurant is over flowing with trash, and the owner is to stingy to buy another dumpster, so she tells you to climb in the dumpster and deflate all the bags. Would you do it? (Keeping in mind, drug needles and knives have been known to be in that trash.) And then, how would you feel about serving food to people after you climb out? This was asked of a girl at the Lincoln Subway. For one, the owner (Heidi Stevens) put that girl in danger. Secondly, that is beyond unsanitary, not only for the worker, but the customers who that girl then made sandwiches for. One reason I quit my job at the Lincoln Subway. Unsafe and unsanitary.

Subway is consistent - this one is just like all the others. Not the best sandwich you ever ate, but better than eating a load of crap from McDonalds