The Home Depot

Extremely low quality stock. I just spent $200 on select 1x8 baseboards and foolishly assumed they would have consistent width and started installing them. Nope, one board is 7" wide, the next 7 3/8, the next 7 1/16, the next 7 1/8. Of course I can't return the boards I cut and I can't use 80% of what I bought and they close too soon to make another trip. And this was AFTER I took great care to pick through dozens of damaged boards and "select" boards with knots before finding enough clean ones. $200 and a Sunday down the drain. The same is true of their 2 1/4 oak flooring -- do NOT install a single board before you measure the width at BOTH ends because some are 2 1/8 or 2" wide instead of 2 1/4, and many of them taper from one end to the other. Also, don't trust their website. It always claims items are in stock when they are not, once claiming there were 90 boxes of flooring when their were 0.

Great Home Depot! Everything you need. Also the hours are great for getting work done early and it's convenient to the highway!

The service at this location is slow and it is hard to get to. It's close to the main office in Boston and that's why I go there. One time I had to get wooden beams for a project dimensions 4 " by 8 " would do. But HD only had 6 by 6 or 4 by 4's. At closer inspection it was more like 3.5 by 3.5 and was told that's how they do it. After the fact I find out REAL Lumber yards have the larger beams. That I couldn't believe and also the plants and flowers come from down south and have a harder time surviving the colder weather.

Excellent staff, great prices... best home improvement store in the area.

Now I like Home Depot. I can always find someone who will listen and walk me through a project. Thank you.