5336 LA-6
Donna H - December 11, 2014

The only reason it got 3 stars, my son's chicken nuggets were delicious. I placed an order, and so did the 8 people behind me. The last order taken was the first order filled?? I got my food after all 8 people got theirs. The southern style chicken sandwich was under cooked. The dog loved the chicken... Friday after Thanksgiving..
Matthew Foster - April 18, 2014

Floors were nasty, bathrooms filthy and smelled horrible!
Vanessa Runco - April 27, 2014

The most dirtiest McDonald's restroom I have ever witnessed! The restroom had mold growing! If their restroom is dirty who knows what their kitchen looks like. 8/ Their co2 was out and latte machine. New management is needed!!!
John McAlpin - May 31, 2012

30 mins for 5 double cheeseburgers??? really... come on man
Douglas Allan Barmore Jr - January 23, 2012

Worst ever. 15 minutes to get coffee.
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