
My dearest espresso connesuer, I must apologize. You are, inevitably, in a espresso wasteland, as it were, being so far from what is considered correct. There is some global standard I would presume, however, you wont find it here. Bare that in mind when when looking for your fix. The correctness I refer to is terribly important when making straight espresso. The grind must be set to the barometer and ambient temperature for the time of day, the tamp though not as important still has to be within some reasonable limit, but most of all the time of "pull". If your barista fails to hit the ever important 23 seconds, send it back. Many mistakes can be overlooked, but never, never the time of pull. All this leads me to warn you not to set your bar too high when ordering here. Just get a regular coffee straight off and be happy with it.

A tad expensive but great location, good product & friendly people!

Amazing!!! The coffee is very good. I recommend this to all of you coffee lovers.

Very friendly staff. The best cafe in town.

i love this place the fruit is fresh :) many variety of plates to choose from