Bluebird Nightclub

This is hands down the worst place that I have EVER been to. It's filled with immature, disrespectful, inconsiderate, stumbling drunk college kids. The people in this bar completely ruined the concert that I had purchased tickets for. We left before the concert was over because of the way everybody was acting, and management/ employees had zero care. Their were broken beer bottles all over the floor, we were standing in puddles of beer anywhere we went, their were kids throwing up on the floor, and nobody did a single thing to clean nor prevent anything. I would never in a million years suggest going to this unsanitary and extremely poorly cared for hell hole, and certainly will never be back.

I was attacked by a boy named Casey, as i was watching the legendary Dave Coe Casey the boy bouncer came out of nowhere and chocked me. He then continued punching and fighting me. Many people witnessed the attack. I have seen over 50 shows at the bird and my family has been a part of the bluebirds history. The bouncer on the wall behind the bar, you know the picture of Bear with his red motorcycle, well thats my uncle. I am also related to the man on the bad elmer beer bottle that you serve. The Bluebird will never get my money again. And as I was the DD last night Casey had no right or reason to lay his hands on me. I have photographed my wounds. If Casey the Boy still works there 30 days from now then I will be forced to take legal action. Also he can try to lie about what happened but I have a friend who was recording the show, based on this footage my Lawyer has no doubt that I could sue this establishment for damages. As I know and respect the property owner I don't want that to happen, But if this out of control over zealous boy bouncer is still employed at the Bluebird I will have know choice. I am sure that he has many issues as a bouncer. as one of the other bouncer was between us trying to hold casey back, also on recording...............................................BAD FOR BUSINESS...................................

I went almost ten years ago to see Pat Green. I loved the place. I finally made it back last week to see Josh Abbott. They have this tall skinny bouncer who forcefully made his way through the crowd running over people, throwing elbows, and even shoving women. When an older gentleman who was standing by us that night (off duty indy cop) called him out on it he got in his face, told him he was thrown out, grabbed him forcefully and a shoving match insued. The woman I was with was hurt and bruised in the altercation which was 100% caused by this bouncer. not PAY to come to the venue to have this happen. Completely unacceptable.

Great Place, Great Music, Good Alcohol, Perfect place to have concerts

Only bar I go into in town.gets a little crowed when a good show is in that night.only thing I really don't care for is that most shows don't start until about 10 pm