Tootsies Ice Cream and More

I ordered a scotcheroo twister at Tootsies tonight, when I received it it was very runny. I am normally not one to return food, so I made an attempt to eat it. After eating a few spoon fulls of the runny shake like consistency twister, I decided that it wasn't worth the five dollar price tag and asked for a small cone in replacement. The worker at the window said he would have to go get the manager. When the manager returned she told me that it was hot out and that was how it was going to be. This was less than 5 minutes from the time I received the twister. She then informed me that there was lots of stuff in the twister, as if to suggest that I should have expected it to be runny. My runny twister was replaced with a large twist cone, after dealing with the managers less than personable attitude. This was the first time that I have been to this location since it changed ownership and will likely be the last. Four Queens is worth the drive.