
When you have to move down a seat so one regular can sit in his designated seat and he gets all offended because it takes to long for you to conform, (not that you should have to anyway) you have to ask yourself as well as the other people with you if it's worth it! Hell no!!! To many places want and appreciate your business so, so long Karl Reef. Very Clicky Bar!!!

Been there a few times on saturdays, every other sat there was no cover for ladies but this time there was, the drinks are over priced, staff unfriendly, and then any drunk guy that wants to have an older waitress strattle over them in a dress the drunk guy just has to walk out to the dance floor and lay down flat and hold up a dollar and whatever waitress will run over and hula hoop over the drunk guy for $1. I couldnt imagine what the waitresses would do for $2-$10. I know it is new port richey but that is dirty to have patrons lay on the floor and strattle over a guys head doing the hula hoop for a buck! I mean who knows what they might have.......................yuck

I was part of a singles group. I always do the right thing. I did not drink and drive. The cheapskate bartender would not give me tap water. The lady tried to force me to buy scammy bottled water. I think this was unfair and not right to be penalized for being a law abiding citizen, especially since I was with this singles group that brings them tons of business.

We have only gone here weekend nights and we like the live music which sounds great in this bar.

Clean. For people over 40 though :)