Calendar Girls

What A Slutey Experience! I've Never Felt So Filthy... In Such A Filthy Bar!!! Surely, This Place Is Written Up By The Health Dept. regularly, for The Filthy Base-Boards... Right on Down The Line!!! WOW! No-One Deserves This Experience, In MY-Opinion. I mean, the Girls(?) Were so fat, and I Felt they were the trash that was raped & abused by men, that left them Just Wanting to treat men like the trash, they felt like, inside! AUUGGHHH!!!?!$

I would have given it 5 stars except for one thing. The music. The monotonous rap beat one song after another, after another, after another, after another, etc. Which meant each dance was the same as the last one, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that, etc. See how annoying my review got because I repeated everything multiple times. Same with the music in this place. They need to mix it up with 7Xfold, Alice In Chains for the rocker group. Some Cake for example like "Short Dress, Long Jacket" for that funk group. “Bailando” by Enrique Iglesias. Van Halen – Hot For Teacher. Some Lita Ford. Mix it up guys!!! Make the place fun and not sad!!!!

Trashy snotty dried up old wish they were ... drug addicts

One of my favorite strip clubs. Best in Pasco County as far as I'm concerned.