sardine lake resort

Sardine Lake Resort

bar store restaurant
990 Sardine Lake Rd
Michael Kaelin - May 22, 2014

Please don't come here. You'll hate the incredible scenery, the cool restaurant, the floating bar, the trout the jump in your lap, the legend of old dead "Sardine", the pond, the marsh, the boardwalk, the hiking, the majesty, the unspeakable beauty and wonder. Please don't come! ever.

Joan London - July 03, 2014

Started coming here in 1964, camping at Salmon Creek Campground and Sardine Lake Campground. The kids loved swimming in Sand Pond, just below the dam. Stopped around 1985 when the kids were gone. Came up once in awhile until my husband passed on. I rented a cabin for the first time last year (2012) and hope to return every year. I love the area, people and especially the nice people running the Resort.The scenery is out of this world, Just sitting on the deck of the cabin is enough for me to relax and play board games with a friend, All the trees, lake and blue skies. Nice hiking areas and a small jaunt to the store in Bassetts for an ice cream cone...

Alayna Vierra - March 31, 2014

My family's been coming here since the resort first opened. Beautiful mountains, awesome swimming, great hiking, close to town and Tom, Jan, and Chandler (who own and operate the resort) are absolutely wonderful. Great time to go is in August when it's not too hot and not too cold.

Jarrod DellaChiesa - January 11, 2014

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