java lava
Eric Castillo - February 03, 2014

Place is a joke and he pays employees 20 bucks a day whem they work for 9hrs and dos not let them keep tips the owner is a gready money hungry duch who hits on the staf amd there all under age
Matthew English - July 20, 2012

Well the stuff is good there but the price u have to pay I stoped going there and started going to star bucks. If price went down I would go back.
A Google User - February 15, 2012

It's better than Starbucks. Great flavors....almond joy is my fav!
A Google User - September 24, 2011

Decent when u have no other options. Starbucks pricing. If a Starbucks ever opens in Selma this place is history!
A Google User - October 12, 2011

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