
This store, now accepts special requests for products. Which has really helped improve the store's diversity of ingredients and choices. You can email them off the site. While I understand that there's work to controlling the parking lot and shopping center; I really wish there were more opportunities for vendors to be able to showcase there. I also wish that there was more community space provided for fliers or notifying people about events around town. There is no real place in Kayenta that facilitates the community. I see Bashas' at times allowing it, and taking it out. I wish there was away to allow it, in certain areas. I really enjoy seeing community people being able to share in the community market. I hope Bashas' considers buying from local farmers for produce.

What choice do I have as a k-town resident. It's the only grocery store in town to purchase all my meat, produce, can foods, bread, etc. At times you can find great deals in the weekly add every Wednesday so keep that in mind. Anyways, I do agree with LeAndra Charley. Us paying customers would be waiting 5-10 minutes in line in at the deli and you would see employees cut first in front of customers. Not a good way a business should be handle.

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