
I attended an show of local Artists there in September of this year, after meeting a lovely woman named Lee. I need to find her card in order to email her! I very much enjoyed the show and the people I met there: intelligent, kind, VERY talented. It was a pleasure to spend a bit of money on some REAL art, beautiful done and cleverly conceived. I really loved Dolan Springs and would very much like to live there. I am seeking a not-too-pricey rental or rent-to-own or even a partial "in kind" exchange for work. I have a collection of "objets d'art" from a town I live in nearby which is neither intelligent NOR friendly (with the exception of Yesterday's Restaurant and its owners, John and Bonnie, who have been gracious and kind -- and the food is typically quite good -- they make AWESOME meatloaf, imho And I adore the grilled chicken salad .) In any case, I'll always return to for the REST of the town of Chloride? It is an increasingly mean and hostile place full of Yahoos a newbie Snobs. PLEASE CONTACT ME, ANY CREATIVE & COOL HUMAN IN DOLAN SPRINGS... I'M A GOOD WOMAN WHO WANTS TO MOVE TO YOUR CITY AND WILL LOVE LIVING AMONG YOU. The site itself? The photo of the abstract (good choice of image!) takes a "leetle" long while to load... I know what can be done to correct this. Feel free to contact me for further instructions or ask for a "drop by" (I have a bunch of VERY nice things for Jeffrey's Assemblages that I believe he'll find both useful and entertaining). ANY excuse to return to Dolan Springs for a day (although I'd prefer to find a way to STAY) makes my heart happy. So far site, so good site. : - ) As a nit-picking QA sort, I'll send any 'typo' or "interface issue" or "dead link" or "suggestions" directly to The Most Honorable Webmaster. And he can tell me to "fergettaboudit" or whatever in private email or face-2-face "conver."