
Galaxy New opening up an internet cafe very good design sitting arrengment, Silently, brodband fast serffing

The Internet is a dangerous place where any half witted fool can ruin someone else's name and reputation within a matter of days, hours and even minutes and have the world believe it is true. How sad is that?

To coldfriend or coldfriending - Reaching out of the blue, via the internet, to a previously unknown person, for business purposes.

There is an undercurrent of cultural changes in the Middle East region driven by the globalization of media and the Internet. Smart leaders will anticipate these changes and initiate gradual democratic reforms to avoid political instability and economic problems.

The forces of the Power Cycles work over time to distributes the power and wealth among nations. Every nation and every political party must go through the cycles of expansion and contraction. This is true for all past, current and future powers. The only difference is that this power cycle got accelerated tremendously with the introduction of the Internet and global communications.