citizen kofi
Citizen Kofi
night club
North Ridge, Accra
Justina Asafu - Adjaye - August 27, 2012

Perfect place to chill, relax and unwind. Never will you be queued at gates or Pay ridiculous entrance fees and receiving mediocre service. Try the CLUB at CITIZEN KOFI on Fridays and Saturdays. You will not re-grate, your time out! Come on friend, let go for Great Music and Ambiance fused together creating an atmosphere of relaxation. See you there!
Nana Brafo - October 04, 2013

Ids da best coolest place u cn hung around fr real fun
Bissue Evans - November 19, 2014

Mmmm.. C.K
Abednego Dorkeh - December 20, 2013

Thats what am talking about! No size
Patience Odai - March 14, 2014

Hmmmm, nice
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