
Its not like me to put the boot in but...........? Stopped for a coffee and and bite to eat on 15th October '14 I spotted the special on the board " Traditional Cumberland Sausage served in a roll with Onion Marmalade" sounded delicious so I went for that, ordered a bowl of chips to go with as well. I was imagining a juicy small Cumberland ring perfectly grilled etc....... At £4.00 for the sandwich and £2.00 for the chips I was expecting something at least adequate. How wrong I was.... what arrived were two cheap sausages that had been over cooked, presumably in a deep-fat fryer, split lengthways and slapped on a stale bread roll. (Think the owner has done a shop at Iceland and got the 40 Spicy Sausage for a pound bag) The onion marmalade looked like something you would scrape off your shoe! Now the chips! Cooked in fat that needed changing possibly six months ago, they had a horribly rancid taste I only ate a few, but ended up having that horrible lingering after taste for the rest of the day! Sorry guys, but simply just not good enough!

A perfectly acceptable place...nothing more, nothing less.