Hotel Hofgut Hohenkarpfen


Very very nice place to stay, this has it all, the view, nice room, great breakfast, good staff !! excellent !!

If you want a wonderful experience, this lovely hotel is a special place to "be." It is great for business meetings (I have conducted workshops here in a fabulous room) and weddings and other celebrations -- but most of all it is just a quiet place to get away from the noisy city and enjoy the best of what nature and the excellent staff at the hotel offer. They will take care of you at every turn. It is on a quiet hilltop that offers great vistas and casual hiking. The rooms are comfortable and recently renovated with modern facilities. And within 30 minutes you can be at some of the fantastic natural sites in this part of Germany. Enjoy!

1990,gerade eröffnet,hatte ich das Vergnügen,dort zu arbeiten und kann nur bestätigen,daß es ein tolles Team mit einer sehr netten Chefin ist.Wenn ich dann bedenke,daß ich gastronomisch nichts draufhatte,war auch noch Geduld en Gros.Liebe Susanne u.Familie.alles liebe,Frank!Selbstverständlich für verwöhnte Gaumen ein Muss!Bedenkt man dann noch,das man in guttuender Abgeschiedenheht Kunst genießen kann,...das ist LEBEN!