mad wallstreet ag
Mad Wallstreet AG
night club
16 Parkterrasse
10:00 PM - 04:00 AM
10:00 PM - 05:00 AM
10:00 PM - 06:00 AM
Benjamin Ellenberger - April 16, 2014

A place to waste your money by drinking and paying a lot for your drinks. Furthermorr you have to pay to get in. Go there early to get in for free as they give you their stamp. And if you like to dance to the music that everybody listens at the radio for weeks, then this is a good location. Stays open till very early in the morning.
Micael Rodrigues - January 09, 2013

Chris Hinni - May 31, 2013

A Google User - December 29, 2010

Dieser Club ist für konservative Land-Teenager. Das tönt nach abstürzen, dafür ist der Club jedoch auch nichts. Über 20 besser die Finger davon lassen oder Erwartungen runterschrauben.
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