Dairy Queen

Aug 18,2014 about 5 pm: Stopped mostly to say hello to Lorne....whom for over a decade we have got to know, like and appreciate at the DQ. A related observation: Due to time constraints or whatever it was unusual that I had two MacD hamburgers recently in Saskatoon. I ate them! Today at Lorne's in Kindersely by comparison I so enjoyed the texture,thickness and taste. No resemblance to the Macs. Willl plan to stop for a double burger in my next trip to visit my son in Calgary

Such a lack of respect for the customer. I know fast food restaurants aren't exactly places where the end product is held in the highest regard, but rarely have I seen a level of "I could care less about the customer" as I saw here today. They play with your food here, waving hotdogs around like a conductors baton, tossing cooked burger patties like oversized poker chips. Then comes the microwave. Lettuce, tomato, bun, everything goes into the irradiation chamber. Once the burger is made it has to be squashed into a ball while being wrapped, as if they dare you to try to enjoy it while eating. Never again will I visit this place. Truly the worst DQ I've had the misfortune of wasting my money at.

food was really good i thought, ive noticed if you go in there early afternoon when all the high school kids arent working the quality of the food is MUCH better then when they are working!