dépanneur café (le)
Dépanneur Café (Le)
206 Rue Bernard O
Viviana Damiano - October 27, 2014

My first brunch in Mtl! The crepe avec jambon et fromage was good, they gave a lot of fruit with it. The coffee was good too! Internet doesn't work, but the place was nice and quiet
Aaron Krajeski - December 12, 2014

Just the best place. The nicest, most attractive staff will undercharge you for their delicious food. Go early and often.
Matthew Robbins - June 07, 2014

This cafe represents everything that is good about neighborhoods in Montreal. Surrounded by other small shops, the cafe serves the people near Bernard street. The omelets are fresh and colorful; a very filling breakfast served with toast and daily fruit. The owner and staff are welcoming to everyone, including us anglophone tourists from the US.
Marie Deschene - November 12, 2013

Erik Wright - August 26, 2010

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