Casino Rama Resort

The servces is declining due to budge cuts in all areas by the COO. The food qualities at VIP LOUNGE & BUFFET not up to par. The huge new Sport Outlet is empty most of the time. It should be combinning the Noodle bar and adding a Suisi Bar with on yhe spot woking up of south Asian dishes. The positive credits go to friendly front staff showing good leadership of middle management from the openning of the Casino. Its high time for the current CEO & CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO MAKE DRASTIC CHANGES OR ALL THE VALUED MENBERS WILL LEAVE FOR Fallsview Casino soon. Treat the customers as real VIPs who paying your saleries and Most of all, DOT NOT CUT BUDGET TO Sacrifice QUALITY PRODUCT &.SERVICES, BUT SURELL CUT WASTE & GRAVY. THIS MY SINCERE SUGGESTION SIMPLELY I LOVE THIS CASINO WITH IT FRIENDLY FRONT STAFF.

Horrible misrepresentation and fraudulent business practises by the casino's online ticket agents. I purchased 2 tickets to Celtic Thunder via their online sales agent on Dec 25th. First, there is a $7.50 charge - to print your own tickets (no other option available). Then, there is a $47.52 Service Charge. But....wait for it......the best part is that despite no information regarding the type of currency on the website (one would obviously assume it is in CDN dollars, for a CDN show, at a CDN casino) - I was then charged a (higher than current market) exchange rate when the billing came through today. Thereby making my $99 tickets cost $150 each. What's even more infuriating is the fact that the telephone number on the companies' website doesn't even work, and the 'other'/altogether different number on the email receipt doesn't have any sort of automation - not even voicemail. Their contact page is not set up properly either, therefore the likelihood of adequate and appropriate resolution seems dim. Casino Rama should affiliate themselves with more reputable companies for anything and everything that is outsourced!

The map dos not save the no toll sings. The feture dos not work. Every time i chick no toll . it dos not work. Can u pleas fix. Thanks.

Excellent buffet. Love the atmosphere gorgeous rooms very clean and large. Wish I would win more at the slots but my husband is lucky!

The good thing about Casino Rama is the no smoking and the clean air. For the rest of it, take me to the US casinos! The comps at this casino are pretty much non existent. I've never seen such poor comps. After laying out $1000. and playing the tables until 4:30 am one night and 6 am the next, never mind the rest of it!! I had only $8.00 in comps. Not enough to buy any kind of meal at all. Also, unlike in the Us where drinks are free, the only free choices here are water, pop or coffee. Everything else is pay as you go. Goodbye Rama. Seneca Niagara Falls is 500% better! Oh, and the buffet is definitely second rate at Casino Rama... Not worth the money!