Diskothek City Department

Everything that could possibly be wrong with a club is wrong with City Department. Let's begin from the very start. The security is middle aged balding men with bellies that could only be crafted with years of dedication to cheap beer. Their appearance ofcourse would matter nothing if they did their job well, but sadly there is no saving grace. They are outright rude and treat their costumers with little dignity. This is the first time in Stuttgart that I came across the stereotypical image of 'bouncers' who make up for all their inadequacies in life wresting the few hours of control that they get as dearly as they can. While you can still put up with less than pleasant security, it's just wrong to tolerate racist ones, which they clearly seemed to be in the few minutes I noticed them. Wile the 'while folk' could walk right in irrespective of their fashion choices, the ones of 'color' had to produce ID's (sometimes multiple ID's) to be even considered. I am actually ashamed that I went beyond this point of the club. The coat-room was an organisational disaster if there ever was one. There was one tiny counter and a rather distraught lady trying to manage hordes of people as they crammed and pushed against each other to get to the front in hope that they could be noticed by the lady, who to be fair was trying her best to move things along. But then there is only so much that a single pair of hands can achieve. You might as well take in your coat, drop it on a barstool and risk losing it rather than go through this hell. It'll save you a buck and you might just about have some good mood left by the time you get to the bar. The drinks are typically overpriced as it seems to be the norm in the city but the bartenders are fairly efficient and additional manpower means things are much more under control. They are atleast polite when you tip them, which is already an improvement over several other places. The menu is run of the mill stuff, nothing extra-ordinary. The music was what I mainly went to the club for and to say I was disappointed would be a massive understatement. The quality of the audio especially at the start of the night was so terrible it reminded me of the DIY radio that I built at home as a little kid. As for DJ's my best guess would that they were playlists downloaded off the internet. There was no tempo to the night as all sorts of beats mingled and overlapped each other. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but this seemed to improve as the night progressed and I could leave with atleast some if only paltry satisfaction. The people handling the lights however seemed to be doing a much better job than their musical counterparts. Overall, this is a place that you can safely avoid and one that is certainly not worth your hard earned Friday evening. You will have much more fun popping bubble wrap at home and if you don't have any, a trip to the supply store to get some could prove to be much more eventful than a visit to City Department. Skip it, no doubt.

Was ok party


♡ Club Cappo

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